Thursday, 17 June 2021

the problem of youth

College-goers need directions,not close supervision of the school kind.a group of students with whom we spoke admitted,"we have no one to speak to and confide in." The parents are either too involved in their own professionals or may the generation gap is too perhaps is also a phase when the parents lose control over their children. So overwhelmed are they by their new-found freedom that they tend to get lost in the maze. By the time they recover,they are in the second or third year of college-time for them to make quick decision s regarding their future. College coincides with their peak of one's teens, the verge of is a stage when an individual is left to cope with and manage various stresses of the recent phase.he or she is expected to make choices which one may not be mature enough to this juncture,adults should offer some direction without backseat driving the young person for the rest of his or her life.

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